Wednesday 13 June 2012

Shocking NEWS!! IKR?

I have been tempted into the bright side of the K-Pop World! Shocking isn't it? Yeah, me too. I still remember my words clearly. I quote, "What is there with K-Pop? I will never like them." Well, I'm eating my words right now. Huh! Serve me right huh? Ok, ok.

Actually it was my roommate who persuaded me into loving K-Pop. She started by showing me Family Outing 2 and I thought it was a good show. Entertaining. Then the turning point of the event was letting me listen to a Tayeon's singing. It hit me like an arrow, a cupid's arrow. I love music and I appreciate great singers. I started falling in love more and more by listening to IU and 2PM. After that, FT Island and CN Blue. And 4minute, T-Ara, KARA, 2NE1 and the one that conquers my heart and my interest would always be BIG BANG. Yehooo!!!

I can't help but to like them too. I mean, G-Dragon has a unique voice and he is very talented for someone who is not from the States. Very talented. He writes songs and lyrics. I am very impressed. They have a distinct voice, each of them, really. I can tell them apart, finally. Some other groups, I cannot identify them. Well, maybe because I'm not too into their music. 

Big Bang's music is the best. I love how it suits my taste and how it just mellows to my ears. Their songs are great. Feel like the first time I ever heard of Avenged Sevenfold. Yeah, like that. Exactly like that.

Well, if they ever reach my blog, somehow. Just know that I'll be supporting ya all the time and your music. Just keep doin your best and do what you love!!! Bye.

2012--------Year of Big Bang.


Feelings of rejection,
Far worse than feelings of rejected,
It's your fault not others.

Past is still lingering, haunting,
Holding on,
Preventing from moving forward,
Heart aches, mind's sick, soul's tired,
There's no way around this.

Future is suppose to be bright,
But everything that passes are only darkness,
Dark pasts,
Just how do we overcome it?

Heart has been broken not once but times.
There is no fixing it,
When your heart is crying.
The only thing that you can do is to put on a smile,
Pretending that you are as happy as the outside image.

What people display on the outside is only a camouflage.