Thursday 21 July 2011

Something Wrong ??

Hmm . Something just crossed my mind , like totally just ! Let's put it this way . I was majorly not doing anything and tried to watch animes right ? So in the moment I was doing that, I opened up my FB account, Y'knw , just to check whether anyone would response to my posts . Damn . Never thought of it before but I'm an FB addict now , even worse ! , a crowd's addict . Whoa ! Reality check , needs to get back on the animes to finally be a NERD ! HUH ! I like it better when I was an anime addict , at least I was true to myself .

To tell you the truth , I've lost sight of what's important to me and what's not . I stayed away from video games . Most of you might not get this but I used to be a VIDEO GAMES addict and animes too to be added . Most of my totally-majorly-not-to-be-hated faved video games are totally ANIMES ! NERDY !!! Yea , I can't help it . It's the only thing that keeps me sane .

HMM ... but then I lost myself for a very long time , getting involved with guys , scared of what they might think of me . Damn . Never thought that I might be one of them . Acting cool and all . I asked one of the ppl who crazes of animes , " What do you think of anime haters ? " . and , he answered " They have no soul " . Yea , I kind of totally agree with that particular statement . I missed that part of me . It's been so long since then . So to get back to my point here , I searched and searched until I finally found myself back to where THE REAL ME was at . (if u thk that was weird , plz , i am weirded out by myself ) I found her and finally said to her , Girl , Where have you been ? I have missed you so damn much ! She answered , " Why do you miss me ? I though you hated me , I'm not cool , I'm not popular . I would just bring you into the world of nerds and geeks , am I right ? " . Guess WHAT ? I'm totally shocked ! Even myself hates the guts out of me . It took that long for me to realise what's going on ? Bummer . I though I knew myself better than this . I cried . No DECISIVE statement here ! Totally the truth . 
Hmm . I had lost sight of who I really was back then . That is so sad , pathetic ! I thought to myself . So, I had to find her back , right ? the real MIKA back ( totally just a random jap name , kinda crazy about dat name , thinking of putting dat name on my future unborn yet child . ) 

Y'knw what I did ? Got in touch with the first thing and foremost thing that I ever so loved before , ANIME + VIDEO GAMES = THE REAL MIKA .
Talk about weird randoming formula .
But I guess that's the only way of getting me back . And you know what ? I succeed. I am back to my old self who is loving anime and loving being such a freaky ass-kind-of-nice-hole ( making up words as I go ) who doesn't care about what ppl think of her and never SLEEPS ! ( at this point i sound like a vampire , ? totally nods to that ) 
Anyways , I guess I'm me again and why the H .. E .. L .. L .. (just thinking that it might not be appropriate for way religious readers) am I not that happy ? oh yeah , I just realised , DUDE ! I need to find a way to get to those dreams which I put into animes !!
Might be that u guys dun understand a thing but I promise to explain the real thing from A to Z next time . Right now I'm just too lazy to type things out .
C yA' !!!!! :D

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