Wednesday 29 June 2011

No Title

When you look at me,
I feel the warmth in your heart,
Gently touching my skin,
Giving me the feeling I’ve never felt,
Except with you……

And every time our eyes meet,
I can feel the love,
Through your heart beats,
And I keep waiting for you,
To complete the three words,
Letting the winds carry,
The message and blow it into my ears…

Sometimes the heaven shines too bright,
But your eyes never penetrates me through,
Your eyes never look past me,
And your eyes are telling me,
A decrypted message,
That can only be decoded by me…

A simple message,
Hard to figure,
When heart’s too stubborn,
When mind seems to deny,
At this point the road seems hazy,
Lots of debris in the way,
Forced to walk another path,
Forced to abandon the castle for a moment,
But still looking around to go back…

When the time comes,
Two unicorns will descend,
Being our only transport,
To paradise,
Where our feelings,
Are carried through the winds,
And whispered to every couple,
Bringing happiness and happily ever after…

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