Wednesday 29 June 2011

Views of Cliques

Urghh !!! Today I have to study lah ... Mengacau sjer ....Tomorrow's a test on NOUNS .... Seriously ...
Why huh ?? hmmm .... all this time an ....I've seen all kinds of manusia in cliques laarr... During exams...
Classes....bla bla bla ....macam2 aderr ....lyk Tok Wan ckp .... Being in a University has its pricks but not so gr8 lah ...still against it loh ....haiyooo cmne mw lwn seyh ??

Let's see ...
Many of the students in my class an here and BOOM ! got someone they fall 4 or SOMEthing's going on ....SERIOUSLY !! How ha ??

Still figuring .... LOL ???
Ntah Lah WEh ....Aq na ke ?? maybe and maybe NOT ....
Peculiar right ??
but enough of those nonsense stuff ....

divided into groups ...
nerds, shy, outgoing, the ever popular ....
I'm in d group where im the ever not-so-popular-but-really-quite-person ....
hah ade yg ta kna jeepppp.... :P
my class is kind of cool....
full of fun and xcitg students la gk ....
tanak sbut nma at cni ...
cuz it myt raises conflicts la ann ...
so lets keep it a confidential secret ....
so far im still figuring the cliques on dis campus...
sorry to say bt i cant mention d name of my campus....
wanna know ??
ha !
try la figure out sndri yep !!!

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