Sunday 8 July 2012

When people compliments me, all I hear is criticism.
When they say I'm cool in my way, all I hear I need improvement.
When they say I'm good in E, all I hear is I need to try harder.
When they say they envy me, all I hear is that I envy them.

How can you say you envy me when I am still trying to figure out life as it is?
It is still a mystery to me and I still haven't figured it out for most.
I am still me, imperfect me.
Still needs learning, still needs experiences.
Still experimenting, still trying to understand the courses of life.

I am just me, a 19 years old girl.
Living the life according to what I feel.
Still don't know what life is all about.
What people are all about.
Don't envy me when I am still lost.
Envy those people who are on the right track and do not stray from it.
Envy those people who are strong and have decisive attitude.
Envy those people who has the answer to everything. 

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