Sunday 2 September 2012

A Story To Be Told:: Truth

People always like to hear true stories don't they. It moves people or something. There are many true stories in this world but not all of them are favoured. So, here I have one true story. I can't reveal the resources. It might move you or just be a plain story, but the main thing is here that it is TRUE. A story of a friend.

Family. Family supposedly be the ones who supported you in life, right? The ones who would catch you when you fall, the ones who would wipe off your tears, the ones who would treat your wounds and the ones who would always tell you that you are precious, right? I agree that family is the constitution that have all of that. So, no matter what happen, they would be there for you, waiting patiently for you. 

Family isn't supposed to be perfect but at least a little closer to the perfection we're speaking of, right? Yes. I guess so but this story is not about a perfect family but a family that seems perfect outside that people can be envy of. But actually, full of secrets that can ruin a family's constitution forever. TRUTH is to be told.

When I was a little girl, I never understood the meaning of sadness or painful when knowing the truth. I never thought that those terrible feelings exist in such a beautiful world. I thought that this world was supposed to be a perfect world where God made it so that people would be happy no matter what. Happy and letting go are two different things. I never knew the differences between those two feelings. The worst part is that, I thought I can keep smiling innocently and honestly forever. With my family. I haven't realized of the truth that's been with me in those pasts. Or rather, I just want to ignore it. You know, keeping myself from being hurt. I always wanted to make people around me happy so I would make up some jokes and try to be funny all the time so that I can see and hear people smile and laugh. To me, those are the most important thing to be doing. To make people happy. I never cared much about my future 'cause I didn't think it'd be any problem. So I ignore it and keep on living as the happy-go-lucky girl that I was. 

I still remember those pasts. The ones where my ex-brother-in-law would come to my house and pull away my sister for the reason that he doesn't like it when my sis comes to my house for a holiday. I know, such and absurd reason, right? Well, he would come in the middle of the night, knock hard on my door and sometimes kick on my door wanting to take my sis back to his dump. Those memories were a nightmare to me until today. He would drag my sister, slapping her in the face, forcing her to get into the taxi. I would cry my eyes out, knowing that there's nothing that I can do since I was just in elementary school, feeling powerless. How I hate myself that time. I hated everything. And so, I thought that maybe I have to become strong, so that I could fight him and prevent him from taking my sister again. How foolish that was. Those pasts went on for exactly 9 years. I have to put up with all the nonsense of running away, like a fugitive, seeing my sis getting hurt. For 9 years.

To be continued.....

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