Tuesday 11 October 2011

Every time that I hear a song that is being played by piano, I can't help but to listen to it more intentively than others. I just can't help it, major CANNOT help it. It's like my turf is going on here. I just love it. MAJORLY. A friend of mine asked me about few days ago, " Dude, you're like single for a very long time this time, what's going on? Don't tell me that you got hurt or just got out of a bad relationship. We both know that it seriously can't happen to YOU. I'm just saying." I was like, dude why is it wrong for me to not like go out with anybody?
Is it seriously that WRONG? I guess being the girl that always go out on a date or just hang out with an actual straight dude makes me seem weird, HAHA. Irony kicks in everybody.

Right now, I just don't see the point of going out with anybody. That's it, nothing serious. Like I'm gonna tell you guys about it anyways. (LOL) Or more like interesting guys to hang with, just for that reason I've been keeping to myself since the last 3 to 4 months, a record for a wild girl like me. Or maybe that it's just that I've grown up a bit. The fact that I can at least make a sensible decisions for once in my life. YEHOO!

I just want to see the world and fall in love with what I do. I just want to see the thing that made me, ME again. I know that if I go travelling, I know that I'm gonna find it again. Love for the world and food, especially food.

There is really no exact explanation for why I'm just the way I am right now. It's still a mystery and I like it that way. Let it be just the way that it was destined to be.

P.S.:: I think I'm gonna post about my secret crush later, If only I feel like it.

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