Wednesday 26 October 2011

Fantasy:: Chapter #5

The Encounter

While his family is having dinner, Kaoru goes out to meet this mystery informer that sent him an email earlier. He heads out to the bus stop not far away from the mansion. While waiting there, he remembers what his father told him when he was summoned. He just can't believe his ears when his father said those things. It was like it was a nightmare. "But I'll get some answers tonight. I'm sure of it."

His lamentation is awaken by the sound of the bus driver's voice, "Hey! Are you coming or what!?" Kaoru shakes his head as if he were woken up from a long sleep and replies, "Ah, yes yes!" Getting on the bus, he turns towards the bus driver and apologizes. The bus driver just nods and told him to get a seat or otherwise he would fall all over the bus when the bus starts to move.

After half an hour, he finally arrives at a cafe downtown called 'Rising Moon'. It was more like a private club rather than a cafe actually. Full of rich people from all over the city. He is rather surprised by the look of the 'cafe'. It seems different than what he actually expected it would be. Nevertheless, he heads in without hesitation.

A man waves at him at the counter to head there. He didn't wave wave back, instead, he nods and makes his way over there. The man at the counter told him that a guy left a message to tell Kaoru to meet him at the back alley. But when Kaoru asks the man at the counter why, he only replies, 'I'm sorry, but I don't know.' Dissapointed by the negative reply, he heads over to one of the tables and sits down. He starts to wonder why meet at the back alley and not here. It just seems too weird to be meeting at a place like that. Pondering that in his mind, he calls a waiter and ordered some coffee. 'Waiter! Um, hi. Can I get a double expresso please?'. The waiter nods and walks away. Kaoru decided to send a friend of his an email. He takes out his phone and typed something and sends it real quick.

After sipping the coffee couple of times, his phone rings. It is a reply from his friend.

'I think you shouldn't go over there. It seems too suspicious. Moreover, you can find out yourself by asking your father. Going against your father does not sounds like good thing. He is Lord Klein after all. I'm just giving you suggestions. It's up to you to make up your own mind.' End of text.

After reading the email, he decided to give his friend a call.

Kaoru: Yo. Ya free?
Friend: Thought you'd never ask. Haha.

Ending his call, he heads over to the counter and paid the bills. The man at the counter asks him a very suspicious question, 'Umm. I see you haven't gone to meet your friend at the back alley. Is everything okay?'. Kaoru replies, 'Nah. I'm just taking it easy. Your coffee here is very good. Here's a tip.' Kaoru then walks away towards the entrance while thinking that it's very suspicious for him to be asked like that. He turns around and stares at the man at the counter hoping that he would make out of it as something. Figuring that it is just some stupid move to be made, he heads outside. A deep, big voice startled him, 'Yo. Been here often?'

He turns around and sees that it's his friend, Ryuu, he is very irritated. 

Kaoru: Tch. It's you. Could you been more suspicious?
Ryuu: Haha. Can't believe it that the Kaoru I know would be scared by a little trivial thing like this. Now, that's entertainment. LOL.
Kaoru: Laugh all you want but I'm getting suspicious. He would never asks to meet up at the back alley.
Ryuu: Think something bad might've happen to him?
Kaoru: There's only one way to find out. Up to it?
Ryuu: Y'knw I'm always up to it. Tch.

After ending the conversation, both of them head to the back of the alley where the mysterious informer asks to meet.

On the other side of the town, Rikuo Klein is walking aimlessly through the city of Tokyo. Feeling irritated by his father, he feels a little guilty towards his twin sister, Ayumu. 'I'm sorry Mika.' On that thought he ponders over himself to make an atonement when he first saw Ayumu again. 'Seems like no one's here. Yet.' He enters a room that seems to  be his. He takes a few clothes and stuff it into a backpack. Before he heads out, he noticed a picture of his lost brother and his dead mother. He walks towards the picture. ' Mom, Shin. I'm very confused right now. I don't know what to do. Ayumu is back by the way. That makes a little out of my day today. But still. Father...' sighing, he heads out of the dorm. 

A girl comes up to Rikuo and starts to ask him, 'Rikuo is that you?'. Rikuo is very surprised and replies, 'Who are you? And what are you doing here? Only students can enter this place.' The girl replies, 'It's me, Aoi. Umm. Can we go sit somewhere and talk for a bit?' Rikuo looks at his watch and decided to agree to her request. So, they make their way to a near by park. Rikuo sits on the swing and Aoi sits on the see-saw. Aoi is very nervous and starts the conversation.

Aoi: Um. Um. What were you doing back at the dorm? I thought you went home.
Rikuo: Ah, I was getting my clothes. And....I forgot a few important stuff.
Aoi: Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.
Rikuo: It's okay. What about you? What WERE you doing back at the dorm? You don't even live there.
Aoi: Umm. Uhhh. I-I-I was waiting for you.
Rikuo: Don't make me laugh Aoi. It doesn't make sense. Now, I get it if you don't wanna tell but what's the point of 'talking a bit'. What do you want?
Aoi: Urgh! It's not that I don't wanna tell and--and why can't you be a bit more kind? It's always like this with you. No one can ever get close to you. Not even me! Your own childhood friend!
Rikuo: I'm sorry. It's been a very bad day today.
Aoi: Uhh. It's ok. But Maybe you should give em a chance.
Rikuo: Them? Who are they?
Aoi: You didn't even listen to me. Huh. I give up.
Rikuo: What did you say? I'm sorry for being an ass today or when ever but my family ain't loving like yours so if you ain't happy with it, just beat it. Leave my back alone.

Rikuo gets up and starts to walk away but Aoi stops him.

Aoi: I'm sorry Rikuo but, but... Just let me be close to you more. Tell me all your frustrations and sadness. You can't bear all of this alone. I-I-I want to be there for you!
Rikuo: Why!? I just don't get it. It ain't your stuff to worry about. So why?
Aoi: I-I-I LOVE YOU! Rikuo, I love you.

Rikuo is shocked hearing that from Aoi, his childhood friend. He could not believe his ears and walks away.

Aoi: Wait! Rikuo! Wait!

Rikuo turns around and says.

Rikuo: I think you need to go home and get some rest.

Aoi is very dissapointed and tears starts rolling down on her cheeks. To add on her sadness, Rikuo just keep ignoring her and keeps walking away. 

'Huh...She seems so weird today. Love? What is love? Tch. Stupid girl.' He thought to himself. He decided to head over to the mansion as quickly as possible. When he reaches home, he sees that Kaoru, is sitting outside on the stairs looking pale and worried. He walks over and asks, ' Tsup? You look offal. What happened?' Kaoru just replies, 'Nothin. It's just not my day today.' Kaoru stands up and enters the mansion without explaining further. Rikuo thinks that is very suspicious of his brother's attitude towards him. He is usually very friendly and cheerful just like the annoying Miyuki. He decided to leave it alone and heads to the guest room.

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