Saturday 17 December 2011

I think I'm crazy....??

The title already seems crazy. T.T. Of course it would mean that I'm a bit crazed since DOT DOT DOT. I don't know what to do. What to say. How to act. TUP. The End.

Now, now. I'm just kidding. Seriously, I think I am crazy, for real. Why? Well, I think I'm in love but there's not a single person I'm in love with. I think I wanna be in love but we all know that it's not possible. Like EVER! So, the conclusion is, I AM CRAZY. Macam mana mau bikin. Entahlah derr. I can't figure it out this time. If I'm in love with YamaPi, then it would mean I'm at the bottom of all the bottoms that ever existed in this world. Majorly, enough said. Am I bored? Maybe. But I do wanna be in love. I do! Damn girl, don't you have anything else that you can do? I would but then my heart is in so much chaos that I can't fix it. I can't be in love with someone I've never met and never even got to know. So, I'm doomed for EVA! I met this really cute guy at my college, he was the ultimate kakkoi and kawaii otoko. Majorly. Ain't lying. Of course a naturalistic girl like me would fall for him. Like duhh. But then of course again a otoko like him would never even know that girls like us would ever existed. XDD. It's a frickin truth fact. Can't deny it. How I wish I would be with a guy like him. WOW. It's been ages since I talked about love this way. Is it ok for me to act like this? IS IT? Well, whatever it is, I've gotta get over it pronto. Or I'll never be sane ever again. Ja ne. Love ya'!

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