Thursday 8 December 2011

My Real Dream

My dream has always been the only to pursue a career in music by playing the piano or any other instrument. I love music so much. It gives a life to live without ever having to be dissapointed at all. Having being forced to abandon it almost kill me twice. I cried for two whole weeks when that happened and I still am crying when ever I see or hear people plays piano. I wonder why am I so in love with the music. I wasn't born as a pianist so that dream was never mine to achieve. I never dared telling my mom the truth about wanting to pursue a career in music. I never even had the idea of telling her or my father the truth. I know they wouldn't agree with it. And I know I can't succeed in it anyways. It's too damn late. Accepting the fate that I have to abandon my love, my heart was the hardest thing I have to do ever in my pathetic life. I changed it into being a lawyer or some what. I took law as my study because I couldn't think of anything else that I might do to replace my abandoned dream. My heart is at ease a bit. I stayed away from piano and from ever hearing the music. I can't take it. I feel like I'm dying. I wish I could pursue my studied in music. I really want that. I'd do anything to have it.

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