Saturday 13 August 2011

Fantasy :: Chapter #2

Subject: Ayumu's Banishment

Miyuki lets out a big sigh and lands her eyes on the front door. Then, Kaoru enters the living room and closes in to Miyuki. Miyuki is startled and stares at Kaoru with sympathy eyes. Kaoru then asks her, "What's wrong?" Miyuki turns away and answers, "Does Ayumu hates me?" Kaoru lets out a small giggle and pulls her face closer to his and says, "What are you talking about?" Miyuki pushes his hands away and slumbered on the red-gold couch. She stares right at the door of Rikuo's old room and starts to mumble, "She doesn't seem happy to see me." Kaoru is astonished by how fast his sister's moves were. So, he decided to sit on the opposite couch that his sister sits on. On that count, he sighs and says, "I thought I told you that she might be tired because of the long flight." Giving Miyuki a warm smile, he lies down on the couch stares at the ceiling. Then with unsatisfaction overwhelming her, she lets out a cry, "But she smiles at you and Rikuo! What's up with that!?". Before Kaoru could say anything, she gets up and stomps her feet, "It's not fair! She didn't even look at me and passed me by like I'm a ghost!" After saying what's buried inside of her heart, she crashes on the couch and puts her face on the couch and bangs her head on one of the cushions while mumbling something that Kaoru could not understand. Staring at his sister's behaviour, he shakes his head and gets up from the couch. Standing up, he utters, "It's the first time you two meet, right? It takes some time y'know. Just be patient, Yuki." Listening to her brother's words, she gets up and sits properly on the couch while repairing her clothes and hair. Before she could say anything, a servant comes up and asks Kaoru to go to her father's room. Hearing that, she decides to get up and heads to her room.

Kaoru just nods in agreement to the servant's request. When he turns around, Miyuki is already gone upstairs. "Hm. It affects her more than I thought." After saying that, he starts making his way to his father's room.

Arriving at Hidekazu's room, he turns the door's knob open and swing the door open gently. After entering the room, he closes the door gently while looking around for his father. Hidekazu is nowhere to be found. He wonders if the servants are playing pranks on him or something. But before he even gets the chance to turn around towards the door, a coughing is heard. Then Hidekazu appears from a secret pathway. It is the secret room for Hidekazu.

Heading towards his father's working table, he wonders what this is about, calling him to his room all of a sudden. Then, he sits down on the expensive looking chair in front of the table. Hidekazu stares at him intensely before he lets out his reasons for calling his eldest son to see him. Then, immediately, he strikes out a conversation.

Hidekazu: Ayumu has settled in?
Kaoru: Yea, she just got in.

Feeling uneasy, Kaoru asks his father without hesitation.

Kaoru: What is this about, Father?

Then, his father walks towards the left of the room. Slowly raising his head and stares at a family portrate that was taken years ago.

Hidekazu: Ayumu.

Surprised, Kaoru gets up from the chair and starts to get annoyed. But he calms down and looks down.

Kaoru: I'm surprised that you'd let her come back after all these years. After---you---banished her.

Kaoru lets out a long sigh. He was dissapointed by his father's actions and did go against it but he was powerless against his father. So, at last, he went along with it, just like Ayumu did. Hidekazu turns around and faces his son. Staring at Kaoru's face, he conjure up another conversation.

Hidekazu: I have my reasons.

Kaoru get pissed and stands up.

Kaoru: Reasons? What reason it is that forces you to banish your only daughter!? What reason is good enough!?
Hidekazu: Silence! Since when you become an insolent son!?
Kaoru:(sigh) I'm sorry, Father. But I still cannot accept what happened to her. It's just--it's not--fair. She was just a little girl. Banished from home. It must've affected her dearly on her soul and heart.

Kaoru glares at his father.

Kaoru: And the person she hates the most, well, you can guess, it's you, Father.

Hidekazu sits down and keep silent for a few minutes. Then he looks at Kaoru as if he were dying.

Hidekazu: Listen, what happened has happened. There's no point in arguing the matter now. Ayumu seems to agree.
Kaoru: She only went along with you. I don't know why but you are lucky to have a daughter like her. If others, they would---
Hidekazu: I understand. Like I said, I have my reasons.
Kaoru: Are your reasons good enough, Father? Good enough to destroy her happiness?

Sighing, Kaoru walks towards the door.

Kaoru: It's not easy to make it up to her. She has lost everything, Father.

Hidekazu walks towards one of the book shelves and takes out a book.

Hidekazu: You wanna know the reason?

He throws it at Kaoru. Kaoru responsively catches the book and starts to read the title. "The Chosen One"

Kaoru: What's this?
Hidekazu: My reason for sending Ayumu away.

Dumbfounded by his father's words, he opens the book and look through the pages.

Kaoru: Is this a joke? Was it supposed to be funny for you?
Hidekazu: Read the title, Kaoru.
Kaoru: Yea, The Chosen One. What does it have to do with you banishing Ayumu away?

Hidekazu lets out a big and long sigh. Then he walks back to his table and sits down. He looks at some of the paper work and take out an envelope from the top right of the drawers.

Hidekazu: It has everything to do with your sister and----the future.

Hidekazu opens up the envelope that he took out and takes out the letter in it.

Hidekazu: Read the book and then you can come back to me and tell me off that what I did is cruel.

Kaoru cannot believe his ears. The reason for Ayumu's banishment is right in front of him? Now in his hands? He feels like he is going to be insane.

Kaoru: The reason---is in this--old book? 

Kaoru keeps staring at the book as if it is a ticking time bomb that is ready to explode any second.

Kaoru: I can't believe this. (silence for a few seconds) Father? What's going on?

Hidekazu did not answer his son's question but rather just change the topic.

Hidekazu: Kaoru, Ayumu is to start school next week. I'm hoping that you can handle the school's registration and stuff like that. Well, can you?

Still in shock, Kaoru does not say anything and just nods his head.

Hidekazu: And one more thing, keep your eyes on Rikuo. I don't want him create anymore troubles. It's bad enough the school threatens to expel him.

Kaoru does not wish to go against his father again. Although he knows why Rikuo has been throwing tantrums around all these years, he decides to keep shut his mouth this time. There are too much things that is going on in his head. The Chosen One? The reason for Ayumu's banishment? All of this does not make any sense to him at the moment. So he decides to not ask anymore questions and leave the room.

Hidekazu: You may go now.

Staring at his father and gives him respect for one last time, he makes his way towards the door and gets out. After closing the door behind him, he looks around the mansion and lets out a big, long sigh. Too many things have happened today he thought. Digesting all the information today is useless he thinks. So he walks towards his room and enters it. He puts the book given to him by his father on his study table. He turns away and sits down in front of his computer. Checking his e-mail, he cannot shakes off the things that his father just said a moment ago. "Hm. The actual reason? Argh! Why now?" With that on his mind, he opens up a search engine and starts to search the internet for information on the chosen one.

While searching the internet, a sound comes out, ting-ting you have a mail. He minimizes the window and opens up the mail he just received.

" Hi there, Kaoru.
              It's been long, but I have something that might interest you.
              Meet me at the cafe' downtown. I'll be there at 8.
              Well, that is only if you wanna know of course. See 'ya there.          
   PS:// I'd really hate it if you were to bring someone else. So keep to yourself. Ok?"                                                                                   

After reading the message, Kaoru goes to his gets his black coat from the closet and puts it on as quickly as possible and heads out to the streets. 
What is it that might interest me? He keeps procrastinating that issue in his mind. With that in mind, he walks out to the front gates of the mansion.

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