Thursday 11 August 2011


Well, this time I'm going to write a story. This is my first time but do enjoy. Thanks. :)

      It began with the first step of a girl into the world of adulthood. She was 18 years old and lived in Japan. She lived exactly in the heart of Tokyo. She just got back from the States after being sent there for her punishment by her father. She studied in America for 5 years and finally went back to Japan after finishing her studies there. The reason why she came back was because her father insisted on her return to Japan. The details of it was unknown.

Today is the first day she steps in her foot into Tokyo, Japan. The world she used to know seems so different back then compared to today. She was ordered by her father to ahead directly to the mansion after arriving in Tokyo. A nostalgic memory flashes into her mind.

She can still remember the day her father banished her to another country. She wonders why would her father still want her close to the mansion and the whole family. He banished her because of her lacking talent. The family's history go back until 400 years ago when they are the leading family in the mystical world. Her family holds the title royal family in the world of sorcery. Her father is the direct descendant of the most powerful air artist, Hiraga Klein. Her great great great great(I don't know how many greats) grandfather was the most powerful Air Artist of all and thanks to him the whole family is rich and famous. And now her father is the head of the family and the most straight person and a father there is. He was devastated to find that his only daughter cannot wield the power of a wind's artist and decided to banish her to America. He said she was his biggest disgraceful in his life. She just went along with her father's wish and never complained. And now she has returned to the country that rejected her years ago. She has returned to the family that banished her, the Klein's family with her father as the leader, Hidekazu Klein.

Her name is Ayumu Klein. Her hair is died in red to show her rebellion to her father. She is beautiful in every angle and every way but there is a setback to her beauty. Her eyes, her eyes are as cold as the iceberg in the South Pole and as dark as the night in the absence of the moon with a little bit of a hint of dark red. Her hair is not too long and cut as an emo style. She would always wear a short skirt with black leggings and high knees boots but not high heels boots. She hates high heels. Black tank top is her choice to cover her body and a leather jacket to cover that up. She always carries around with her a black backpack. In another word, she is not feminine in any way what so ever. Not compared to her little sister.

Her little sister is the exact opposite of her. Very feminine and cute in every single way. Her name is Miyuki Klein. Long, silky hair, black hair covers up her head and a pink head band to be added. She is 15 years old and goes to Karuo Academy. It is the best school around. It is also in top ten of the best schools in Japan. She has beautiful black eyes and her mother's figure. She is also the most popular girl in school. Every guy in the school would find a way to hit on her and she loves it. Her favourite activity is singing and sewing. At her school, she is the president of the Sewing Club. She is the shortest among her brothers and sister. Ayumu also has three brothers. One of them is her twin brother, Rikuo Klein. The other two are, Kaoru Klein, the elder brother and Shinsaku Klein, the younger brother.

Rikuo Klein is almost similar to his twin sister except for the fact he has the talent to wield the wind's artist power. His hair is dark blue and cut as an emo style as well. He always has head phones plugged in into his i-pod. His favourite music is rock and metal. His eyes are as cold as Ayumu's except that he has blue, dreamy eyes. He is slightly taller than Ayumu. He has the figure of a model but could not care the least about it. All he cares about is his music. He is a very talented person. He can play the guitar like a pro and hoping to be a professional musician one day and play in a band. All the girls in his school would drool over him every time he passes them by. He holds the title the most popular guy in school. He also goes to the Kaoru Academy with his younger little sister, Miyuki but he lives in the dorm at the academy. So, he is not around much at the mansion.

Next is their elder brother, Kaoru Klein. He is the most kind person you would ever meet. He is 5 feet 10 inches and the most popular guy in college. Most of the girl would call him, the bachelor of the century. Well, can't blame them, he is significantly handsome and good looking with kind and dreamy eyes, who wouldn't fall for him? His hair is blonde with a little hint of strokes of gold here and there. On his left ear, he wears an earring. But not earrings that looks like girl's jewelleries. Just one. He wears dark blue shirt along with black coat on top of it. Long, black jeans would cover his slender feet. He would always wear his favourite black sneakers. Although he is good looking, he has no sense of fashion what so ever. He would wear what he likes and feels comfortable in. He has blue dreamy eyes that can make a girl melt right in front of him. But none of the girls know that he has a secret crush on his childhood friend, Aemi Minaru. They have known each other for a very long time since kindergarten. And he is still loyally attracted to her and never tells her his feelings for her.

Shinsaku Klein or Shin is Ayumu's brother that was lost in a war between her father and an evil sorcerer from the west. He was taken by the sorcerer and they vanished not to be found anymore. Since that day, Ayumu started her tantrums and rebels in any way and every chance that she got. That is one of the reasons she was banished. Shinsaku owns a very dark brown hair and has green eyes. The sorcerer kidnapped him because he bears the powerful stone in him, The Firaga Stone. It holds the most powerful fire power trapped in it and very dangerous if it were to be released. It only can be controlled by a host, that is Shinsaku Klein. He was kidnapped when he was 8 years old and Ayumu was 10 when she witnessed her brother was being taken away. This lowers the self esteem for not being able to conjure up any power to save him. It nearly killed her. For now, his existence is unknown. Whether he is alive or dead is unknown to the Klein family. 

Hidekazu Klein is the head of the Klein family and the most powerful Wind Artist there is. He runs the family tight and straight with no regards of his children's feelings which brought him into banishing Ayumu away. Ayumu is the biggest disgraceful child in his life. Or so he thought. There was one old man passing through the mansion one day and asked him for a cold glass of water. While the old man was sitting down on a chair in their lawn, he told Hidekazu that his disgraceful child might actually be the chosen one. Hidekazu was shocked and asked him what does he mean by that. The old man answered, "That child with the dark, cold eyes is the most powerful sorcery there is, even more powerful than you. She might not be able to wield any of the powers yet because she has not reach the full mature state yet. But she can wield the most powerful powers. All of them, even wind." Hidekazu's eyes were wide open with shocked. He immediately call the school right after his encounter with the strange old man. That is why Ayumu was told to return to Japan.

Their mother died in the battle between their father's fight with that sorcerer. She was brutally murdered and torchered. That makes Ayumu even more cold after her mother's death. Ayumu stopped talking to her family and not long after that she was sent to America.

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