Sunday 21 August 2011

Feeling Uneasy

Salam. Hey. Konnichiwa. Yo.

Sebenarnya, dah lama benda ni menganggu aku. Sekian lamanya, aku dah bersedia nak face the reality.

I've been feeling so damn lonely all this time. It's not like I blame anyone. I totally understand that it's my fault but I thought it's better that way. To not have anyone with me and live in my own world. Maybe I sometimes too rough with the people around me but I cannot change the real me. That would've been my answer before but right now, I'm gonna change. Like something I heard before, "We decide and make our own happiness". I agree. I am gonna try my hardest to try and be with people who are important for me and care about me.

I'm sorry guys! I've been isolating myself from all of you for so long because I couldn't handle it, I couldn't face the facts. No that I can see it, I'm too naive and innocent. I never knew what's important to me and never tried to persevere 'em. How stupid. Regretting wouldn't change the past but it would change my future.

I want to make it as fun as possible and I'll treasure every moment with everyone. I'll try hard to make you guys like me!

P.S.: I miss you guys! Please wait for me to come to you!

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