Tuesday 9 August 2011

Going Where Exactly ?

Thinking. Thinking. Thinking... Looking back at my life, I know I've made lots of stupid decisions in my life before. To tell you the truth, I don't know what I want to do in life. So, I've decided to take up piano class. Well, cuz I love the sound that it makes and I love classical music. And also for the fact that I really want to go to study in Paris. Maybe. Just a possible thought. That's all.

So, what the heck was it I was writing this for? Oh yeah. Questions from people from all over the place. Not exaggerating. Not even a tiny bit of it. Totally the truth. Hey girl, what are you gonna do in your life? What course are you gonna take? What are you gonna be when you finished studying? WOAH!!! Stop right there mister. Too many questions streaming in into my hearing receptions. Don't you guys know how to pause? Pissed! Huh. 

Weird, huh? I know, I know. I should be proud. So many people wanna know what I'm up to. But I'm not, full stop. Get it? How do I say this, politely. Get the hell out of my biz people! Do not butt in! I repeat, Do Not Butt In! Prying into someone else's biz ain't an appropriate thing you should be doing. Why? Well, I'm getting to that. Sheesh. Be patient will Ya'. We're not in the racing movie here people! So, siddown and shut it!

Simply because I'm stuck. I don't know where to go or what to do. I've dropped out of college. No, I wasn't kicked out. I voluntarily dropped out. Kepish? So, I know what I wanted to be when I was a kid but now, everything seems so unacttractive and boring! Damn! Sometimes I think that, Dude! What the hell am I living for? Yea. Yea. I know. Sin for saying that but it is the truth. Yea. I applied for law next year. Maybe I'll be good in that. But there's just something missing. Some pieces of a puzzle that can't be found. Hunting for the pieces? Still on the momento of hunting. MAJORLY. I just can't see myself struggling to wake up in the morning, getting ready to go to work in the office and do some paper work. Name for that? BORING!! Get real! I want my life to be exciting. Not what happens in it. I want what I do exciting. Full Of excitement and OF COURSE something that I love doing. I love to sing. For an example of course. 

So, since I still can't figure out what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life, I hate it when people asks questions about it. I don't have an answer for it, damn it! Nail it into the pretty 'lil head of yours not to ask that Qs at me. Nail it deep, brother. I am deadly serious. If anyone comes to me and start to ask the same Q again, I swear I'm gonna buy a gun and load it with full ammo and hand it to 'ya. Argh! Why don't you just shoot me. You're already murdering me here. DX

Seriously, I can't see YOUR point of view at all. Am I doomed for the life of losers club now? Woah! Reality check, I won't go that far. I know I'm gonna succeed but I just haven't found the right path yet. Still long ways to go. I know. Wasting my youth. What a terrible luck. Maybe it's because I planned too much before. So perfectly, but now all the plans had gone, KABOOM! Into the trash can. Being demolished. Poor perfect plans has now become poor smelly ignored unaccomplished plans. There. Got it? 

So, right now I'm thinking of not wanting to waste time anymore and not even a second taking for granted of my youth. I'm gonna try different things and try to stick at it this time. Cooking? Hm. Terrible choice for me. Chaotic all the way through. Trust me. Music? I love it but I have no background in it what so ever. So, it might be tough for a bit. Just need a teacher who has faith in me. That's why I've decided to take up piano lessons. Not for me? Maybe but I'm gonna try this one. I'm really into it. I don't care if you say it's too late. I'm gonna study diligently and practice really hard everyday. I might feel like I want to give up but I'm not gonna this time. To be more than just what we are today. That's my motto. You guys are gonna support, right?

Well, if you don't anyways. I'm still gonna do it.

Think it will work? Who knows. So, where I'm going exactly? Who knows. A new journey has begun and this time full of hardwork and no giving up. Wish me luck!

PS:/ Aku tak reti nak tulis dalam bahasa melayu sangat so aku continue dalam bahasa yang 
         aku lebih cekap ajelah ye guys? Sorry tho. :D

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